
Checkboxes are used to provide users with multiple options for selection in a series of options.

When used as a toggle they allow the user to make a binary choice usually (but not limited) in the form of a yes/no or on/off suggestion. Toggles are often used in product settings or as filter options. When engaged (on), Base UI toggles are colored and when disengaged (off) they’re grey.

When to use

- When a collection of options share context.

- When a user wants to toggle an option on/off.

- When a user wants to select multiple options.


Checkbox basic usage
Checkbox multiline example
Checkbox with error
Checkbox indeterminate state
Checkbox disabled example
Checkbox alignment example
Checkbox with overrides
Checkbox with component overrides
Checkbox focus with button
Checkbox as a toggle


Additionally, you can fully customize any part of the Checkbox through the overrides prop. The Checkbox consists of multiple sub-components that are listed bellow and you can override each one of them. To help you identify the names of these sub-components, you can highlight them through this selector: